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incrEDIBLE trail keeps growing

"As we enter our second year, we invite the community to join us in realizing our dreams."

What happens when a dozen community-minded, positive people get together and exchange ideas – incrEDIBLEtrail. As we enter our second year, we invite the community to join us in realizing our dreams. We wanted to promote the local businesses, agriculture and the people who call Trail home. We wanted to address the needs of Trail. We wanted to inspire change.

As the tired, but too true, saying goes, "Don't expect different results if you keep doing the same thing." Per our mission statement, we are nurturing community by planting seeds to inspire local sustainability through food initiatives. We take every opportunity to educate the public about the benefits of locally grown, sustainable food.

Last year we started by encouraging downtown businesses and organizations to raise a container of food and make it available to anyone who wants the produce.

This year we will add large planters by the bus stop on Rossland Avenue specifically for the food banks. Funding for this project has been partly by donations from individuals and businesses. Anyone can still donate to sponsor a planter. Kate's Kitchen alone makes 650 meals per month and the Anglican Church and United Church give food to approximately 200 people per week. By installing these planters, incrEDIBLE trail hopes to improve nutrition and engage the recipients to assist in growing the food. When the colourful planters arrive, we are planning a "garden party" and all are invited. This event promises to be fun for all.

Because this bus stop serves the children heading to Webster School, an opportunity exists to educate the youngsters about growing vegetables and about community service and charity. It seems that every seed we plant grows much more good than we could have anticipated. You might see people-sized vegetables at the location teaching Trail's finest all about planting and growing, sharing and caring. It is never too early to foster a good citizen.

The experience of working with incrEDIBLE trail has been rich in many ways. If you would like to give back to the community that nurtured you, consider participating in this group or Communities in Bloom.

Any age and any experience has something to offer. Check us out on Facebook as incrEDIBLE trail or email us at for persons or businesses that would like to sponsor a planter, please call Keystone Appraisals and ask for Gina.

Connie Smith is an avid gardener who enjoys participating in incrEDIBLE trail and Communities in Bloom.