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Kudos to Fruitvale for Nov. 11 ceremony

Fruitvale resident appreciates local Remembrance Day ceremonies.

Over the years I have attended a number of Remembrance Day ceremonies in several different communities.

On Nov. 11, I had the privilege of attending the Remembrance Day ceremonies in Fruitvale.

Without a doubt, it was the best presentation I have ever seen. All the presenters did a commendable job and I was very impressed with the words of Pastor Kent Maddigan.

I have talked with numerous people who were there and the same very positive feeling was expressed.

I’m not good at guessing numbers but I feel there were somewhere around 400 or more adults and children at the ceremony.

The crowd was very solemn and appreciative, enjoying the ceremony.

After the service many people chose to attend the luncheon in the Fruitvale Hall provided by Columbia Power Corporation. Congratulations to the organizers of this event.

The importance of remembering was always in the forefront and those who gave their lives for us would be proud of the efforts of so many.

Bob Bastian
