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Seeking truth about climate change

Letter to the Editor from Thorpe Watson of Warfield

I was very pleased to read Jos Sharp’s reply to my letter of November 14 (“Climate change warnings based on science” Trail Times Nov. 21, 2018). It is a typical example of the non-scientific tactic used to suppress the truth about climate change: Attack the messenger rather than the message.

Jos Sharp has the audacity to challenge the scientific skills of a metallurgical engineer, apparently unaware that climate change involves many scientific principles covering a wide range of scientific disciplines.

As for “authorative sources,” may I refer Sharp to a biology textbook or even a gardener’s handbook. As BC’s Biologist of the Year (1996), I am sure that Mr. Richard Cannings, MP, is able to confirm most of the information contained in my letter.

However, you may have to refer to a geology textbook to learn that our air-ocean store of life-giving carbon dioxide (“CO2”) has been severely depleted and continues to be depleted by natural sequestration to form carbonate rocks. Consequently, the CO2 content of our atmosphere is only a fraction of that contained in ancient atmospheres.

Furthermore, our ability to replenish the CO2 store is restricted by the operation of Henry’s Law and our limited reserves of hydrocarbon fuels. Unfortunately, the atmosphere will remain CO2 impoverished even after the consumption of all our reserves of coal, oil, and gas.

A sound scientific background, together with 35 years of experience evaluating technology for Cominco Ltd. covering a wide range of scientific disciplines, enabled me to conduct a thorough investigation of the climate-change controversy. The evidence gathered over a 10-year period clearly revealed the lack of scientific support for the anthropogenic, global-warming hypothesis.

If Sharp is interested, I am very willing to provide a list of the many world-renowned scientists who reject the idea that we can control the climate with our CO2 emissions. As a starting point, may I suggest MIT’s Professor Richard Lindzen’s recent lecture, which is found at:

As we depart the coolest of the six warm periods since the last glaciation 10,000 years ago (Modern Warm Period), and enter another intervening cool period, I am confident that truth will eventually prevail. China knows the truth as they commission a major coal-fired power plant every week. Our prairie farmers also recognize the truth as they face shorter growing seasons.

Will a Canadian political party acquire the courage and integrity to blow the whistle on this climate-change hoax before policies based on it completely destroy the Canadian economy? Doubters of this calamitous forecast need only examine the ongoing dismantling of Canada’s industrial heartland, Ontario.

Thorpe Watson, PhD
