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Starsicle support greatly appreciated

Nelson's Starsicle company appreciates out-pour of local support.

We would like a take a moment to share some shimmering thoughts about the brilliant people of Trail and the shiniest Market on the Esplanade. We are the Starsicle people. The Nelson gourmet popsicle company who is facing down the corporation Unilever. The King Kong of Popsicles is threatening extremely aggresive legal action to our approved trademark over the word “sicle”.

Thank you so much for the support we have received by this newspaper! We admit, this Big Brand Bully is scaring the living popsicle pants right off of us BUT... We are feisty dreamers! For we are Kootenay United Dreamers in fact. My sweetheart and I have been heads down preparing for the battle on our computer and in the recording studio for months to create (hopefully!) a viral video.

This past Friday at the glorious Market on the Esplanade we came to the people with our struggle. So, so, so many of you took the time to hear our story and give us many many words of encouragement. Imagine our hope! Imagine our relief! Yippee*sicles!

At the end of a day we shall never forget, we had one more struggle to face. My sweetheart, who has MS, had a meltdown in the heat. Heat is like kryptonite to my superman and he could not lift himself from his wheelchair into our van. I couldn’t either.

As my tears of desperate worry began to fall, quick as a flash, Norm, one of the coordinators of this shiniest of markets, dropped everything and came to our rescue. He got down on his knees, offered his strong shoulder and lifted my superman so carefully and safely into our van. Norm, you shine.

We drove home exhausted, teary but feeling so completely uplifted. In all your kind actions, we are affirmed...we are not alone. For we are family. Family watches out for each other.

To you Miss Eleanor, daughter of Carmen*sicle, bless your big heart for adopting us as your own. Our song says, You Can’t Light the World on Your Own. Now we know, we don’t have to. Starsicles are from Planet Bennu, a shiny wondrous place where darkness melts under the warmth of love. We created it with our new baby grandaughter in our hearts. We will one day tell her, it is a real place. Then take her to Trail.

Next market we will be with you all! With a freezer full of Thank You*sicles.

Rain Shields and

Daniel Carson
