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Playing a Jacoby two no-trump

Play Bridge: Tips and tricks for bridge players, new to experienced.
East west vulnerable

This is a bid of two notrump over partner`s major opening. It shows a hand with four card support, an good opening of 13 points and no singleton or void. A more advanced bid would be four card support, an opening hand and any distribution. For now, it shows no singleton or void. It asks partner for his singleton or void at the three-level and a second suit which is a ready source of tricks at the four-level.

The bidding: South opens his 14 points in his six-card major, spades. North shows the hand described above by bidding two notrump. South tells North he has a singleton diamond which North likes immensely. Any hand with Axxx or xxxx opposite a singleton will make a small slam on 27 points. That is a mathematical fact.

North asks for keycards and South tells him two with the queen of spades. North and South have all six keycards (including the king and queen of spades) so North asks for kings. South has one. North bids seven spades.

The Lead: West does not want to lead from an honour against a slam so clubs are out. West also does not want to lead a suit in which the opponents have a singleton. It may result in a pitch for the declarer and it cannot result in the winning of more than one trick. Therefore, the natural lead of the queen of diamonds is not made. Top of nothing in hearts is the lead. I actually would lead the seven, being the second in a nothing four or five-card or longer suit.

The play: South wins the opening lead and draws trump in three rounds. He ruffs two diamonds and a heart and claims, making seven spades for 1510.


-If one has four-card major support, a singleton or void and opening points, one would make a splinter which is a doubleton jump shift into that singleton or void. This bid will be discussed next column.

-6NT makes and 7NT does not because of the needed ruffs, but one should hardly think of notrump with the above hands.

-All the bridge columns may be viewed at