Submitted by USCC Spiritual and Cultural Development Committee
In commemoration of the passing of 100 years since the death of revered Doukhobor leader, Peter Vasilievich Verigin (Lordly), the Union of Spiritual Communities of Christ will be hosting a speaker series on the life, teachings and business practises and the spiritual and cultural contributions of this most remarkable man.
Sessions will be held on the third Sunday evening of each month, at 6:30 p.m. at the Brilliant Cultural Centre with live and electronic presenters via Zoom.
These events are sponsored by the Spiritual and Cultural Development Committee of the USCC. As it is the intent to bring the story of Peter Vasilievich Verigin (Lordly) to all who are interested, they will not be selling tickets, nor will there be a charge at the door, or for Zoom attendance. However, donations at the door or via e-transfer or cheque would allow for assisting speakers with travel costs. Contact for more information, if to donate towards this event.
As the speaker series evolves, more details will be published in ISKRA.
Schedule of sessions:
Jan. 28
USCC Spiritual Cultural Development Committee
Kootenay Psalmists
Topic: Spiritual Teachings of Peter Vasiievich Verigin (Lordly)
Psalms and hymns written by/for/about Peter Vasilievich Verigin (Lordly) and their significance
Feb. 18
Wendy Voykin
Peter Vasilievich Verigin’s early years in Russia, life in exile, and arrival in Canada in 1902
Vera Maloff
Peter Vasilievich Verigin’s birth (hints in Peter Maloff’s writings, stories from elders)
Peter Vasilievich Verigin - Letters from exile
Correspondence between Peter Vasilievich Verigin and Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy (translation by Donskov)
Tchertkov, A publication of Peter Vasilievich Verigin’s letters to the Doukhobors, to other Tolstoyans and published letters from Bonch-Bruevich Письма Духобоческого руководителя
March 17
D.E. (Jim) Popoff
Peter Vasiievich Verigin — the man; his persona and his place in history; the controversies and the facts
His death — the importance of a plausible solution to the mystery
His prophecies and vision for the future — their significance today
April 21
Greg Nesteroff
Peter Vasilievich Verigin’s lost prayer site
Paul Strelive
Peter Vasilievich Verigin and the Christian Community of Universal Brotherhood business dealings in Nelson, BC
Luba Stoochnoff
An account of Peter Vasilievich Verigin and a dentist in Nelson
Peter Vasilievich Verigin on the topic of the attendance of Doukhobor children at B.C. schools
May 19
Ernest W. Verigin
The Spiritual Journey of Peter Vasilievich Verigin — his ideas for children and youth, his initiatives for healthy living
Barry Verigin and the Community Interpretive Society
Display of historical artifacts belonging to Peter Vasilievich Verigin
June 16
Larry Ewashen
Peter Vasilievich Verigin as discussed by his younger brother, Grigorii Vasili’evich Verigin, in his book “God is not in Might, but in Truth”
Marion Demosky
Havroosha Vereschagin’s relationship with Peter Lordly Verigin
July 21
Sonya White (Zoom)
Shares her great grandfather, William Bonderoff’s, memoirs about life in Brilliant and Ootischenia and stories about Peter Vasilievich Verigin (Lordly)
Vera Maloff
Peter Maloff recollections of Peter Vasilievich Verigin (Lordly)
Aug. 18
Jon Kalmakoff
Peter Vasilievich Verigin’s organisational abilities as they relate to how he structured the CCUB, geographically, socially and economically.
The various business enterprises and material achievements that PVV was able to facilitate through a large group of loyal members.
Sept. 15
Barry Verigin
Events leading up to the Farron Explosion
Peter Vasilievich Verigin last speech in Grand Forks (Recollections of John Semenoff Sr.)
The funeral of Peter Vasilievich Verigin (Lordly)
Maxim Voykin
Recollections of Peter Vasiievich Verigin (Lordly)
Oct. 20 (10 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
Kootenay Psalmists
10:00 - Pominki
12:00 – Potluck Lunch/Banquet
Choral presentations by Kootenay Psalmists; Family of Friends, GF Community Choir
Display of historical artifacts belonging to Peter Vasilievich Verigin
John J. Verigin Jr.
Peter Vasilievich Verigin’s legacy for the Doukhobors of today
Nov. 17
A description of other Canadian citizens who perished in the explosion that killed Peter Vasilievich Verigin Lordly on Oct. 29, 1924
Ilene Voykin
Marya Strelaeff, the story of the 15-year-old girl, who accompanied Peter V. Verigin on the fateful trip. Memories from her sister.
Dec. 15
Kootenay Psalmists
Peter Vasilievich Verigin Lessons to live by