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Takeout over transfer

Play Bridge: Tips and tricks for bridge players new to experienced.
Both vulnerable

This was a nifty bid that I found in the bridge bulletin in the early nineties. When an opponent is transferring over partner’s one notrump, just bid the suit they are transferring to and this is a three-suited takeout.

There is a catch. It must be a transfer and partner must recognize it as a transfer.

The bidding: East, with a balanced sixteen points, opens one notrump. West bids two diamonds transferring to hearts. North steps in with a two heart bid. He hardly wants to play hearts because he is showing support in the other suits.

With only two card support and sixteen points, East does not accept the transfer and South bids two spades.

The contract: Two spades by South

The opening lead: The queen of hearts.

This is often a risky lead if declarer has the ace in his hand and the king and ten in dummy. Here it works.

The play: South will try to cash two clubs and then cross-ruff the hand. West will win the ace of clubs and lead a small trump. West will win the king and return a trump. East wins the ace and plays the third round of trump.

Declarer will get a heart ace, a diamond ace, a heart ruff, a diamond ruff, one trump and three clubs.

The result: Two spades by South making for +110

Two hearts will make with careful play for +110. This is a good result for North and South.


-South has transportation problems and should use trump as transportation as he is drawing trump.

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