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The fundamentals of nutritional medicine

"Examples of toxic substances in food are coal tar dyes, preservatives (sodium benzoate, sulfites, BHT, and BHA), aspartame and MSG"

• Eat slowly and chew well – This releases enzymes in saliva and, as well, the mechanical action  of chewing helps with digestion

• Eat Breakfast – This decreases total and bad form of cholesterol and lowers the incidence of type 2 diabetes.

• Don’t Skip Meals – An irregular meal pattern produces pre-diabetic and higher total cholesterol levels compared with eating regularly.

• Cooking Method Matters – Fried, broiled and roasted foods increase bad cholesterol which can increase autoimmune disease, atherosclerosis, and increases inflammatory response.  Boilings, steaming, stewing and poaching may decrease the above compounds formed during harsh cooking and processing.

• Stay Away From Junk Food – These are foods that are high in sugar, nutrient depleted, fiber depleted, and are full of oxidized fats, trans fatty acids and food additives.

• Lifestyle Changes – Exercise and a good diet may lower disease risk and make you feel better today!

• Eat Whole Foods –  Whole foods compared with processed foods are more beneficial for the overall health of the body.  These include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, legumes, fish, poultry, lean meats and dairy products if you can tolerate them.  Whole foods have more vitamins and minerals.  More fiber prevents and treats constipation.  As well, fiber reduces cholesterol, diverticulitis, and possible prevention of hemorrhoids, varicose veins and hiatal hernia.

• Avoid Toxins in Foods – Read your labels.  Many foods contain toxic fats, potentially toxic or allergenic additives.  Examples of toxic substances in food are coal tar dyes, preservatives (sodium benzoate, sulfites, BHT, and BHA), aspartame and MSG

• What About Supplements? Vitamins and other supplements provide compensation for a deficient diet.  In our society there is increase supplementation required due to disease and medications.  Both stress and environmental factors play a role in the body’s need for nutritional support found in supplements. Lastly everybody has different needs for nutrients.  Some people have a greater need for extra vitamins and minerals.

• Pharmacological Effects of Nutrients – Vitamin C has antiviral, antibacterial and antihistamine effects.  Vitamin B12 helps with breakdown of sulfites.  Magnesium increase the absorption of calcium.  And specific nutrients help with enzyme to work better in people who have sluggish or genetic enzyme deficiencies.

• Conclusion – An individualized program of dietary modifications and selected nutritional supplements can be useful either alone or in combination with other therapies for preventing and treating a wide range of health conditions.  Consult with a Naturopathic Physician who has the training and expertise to help you with supplemental nutrition and dietary modification.

Dr. Jeffrey J. Hunt Naturopathic Physician has been working in Trail for over 23 years. He is one of the most experienced Naturopathic Physicians in BC. He is presently accepting new patients. To schedule your appointment please phone 250-368-6999 or for more information