On this day of reflection, Garth Ukrainetz, a poet living in Edmonton and friend to the Trail Times, shares his piece titled, “The 6th of June of ‘44.”
D-Day means the day on which a military operation begins.
The “D” is derived from the word day. The term D-Day is still used for military operations, but to the general public it is used to refer to Allied landings in Normandy on June 6, 1944.
See Page 5 for our special Trail Blazers feature on D-Day by Sarah Benson-Lord from the Trail Museum and Archives.
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The 6th of June of ‘44
by Garth Paul Ukrainetz
Poet of the Blackmud Creek
6 thousand ships with a thousand more
Set sail to save the world that day
The 6th of June of ‘44
Sweet Liberty, she lead the way
In waves ahead to sink or swim
A massive mighty force erupts
The English Channel filled to brim
Last coffees sipped from metal cups
They stormed the beaches under fire
Utah, Juno, Gold, and Sword
On Omaha a battle dire
Thru pounding surf the soldiers poured
A free French coast by sunset light
Hitler’s stronghold smashed to floor
Sweet Liberty, she won the fight
The 6th of June of ‘44
ⓒ2024 Garth Paul Ukrainetz
In Tribute to the Allied Forces on the
80th Anniversary of D-Day
June 6, 1944
Lest We Forget
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