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Jump over takeout double

Jump over takeout double

Play Bridge: Tips and tricks for bridge players new to advanced.
Trail Terry Fox run

Trail Terry Fox run

The annual Terry Fox run at Trail's Gyro park brought out the best of the community on Sunday.

Movie night set new mark for Food Bank

The fifth annual family movie night in Haley Park earned over 1,600lbs of food for the Salvation Army Food Bank in Trail.
Toy Run another roaring success

Toy Run another roaring success

Lucky couple set to live happily ever after following a proposal at the West Kootenay Toy Run.
Multi-purpose plants help achieve garden goals

Multi-purpose plants help achieve garden goals

For those who want their yard to look lovely with very little maintenance, this type of garden can fill the bill.
The Weighting game

The Weighting game

Lores Currah,was in capable hands in the Trail Aquatic Centre’s fitness room with certified elite personal trainer Diana Howard.
Sunny stroll

Sunny stroll

There will be plenty of dogs walks on Saturday during the annual Paws for a Cause beginning at 11 a.m. at the Birchbank Picnic Grounds.
Kick starting the school year

Kick starting the school year

The Grade 4 and 5 boys from Fruitvale Elementary did not let the rain dampen a game of soccer on Monday afternoon.

Invasive plants posing a problem in Fruitvale

Central Kootenay Invasive Plant Committee’s Jennifer Vogel gave a presentation to advise council of invasive plant species within the area.
High-wire act

High-wire act

Shaw Cable’s Dave Hucal began adjusting cables in the alley between Bay Ave. and Cedar Ave. in downtown Trail on Tuesday afternoon.