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Wash job gets a Big thumbs up

Wash job gets a Big thumbs up

City of Trail employee's wash job gets a Big thumbs up
Rocky and rider on a Trec

Rocky and rider on a Trec

A Trec competition took place at the Trail Horsemen Grounds on Sunday.

Trail Hospice Society celebrates silver anniversary

Gala event on Saturday honours longtime volunteers
Learning the ropes

Learning the ropes

Glen Kalesniko of Pride Gym, shows a student part of the intensive weight training program featured in the Cage Fit classes.

Cash makes for happy trails

Kootenay Columbia Trails Society is preparing to connect East Trail to a complex series of recreation paths above the city.

Trail weather: April showers broken up by a day of record heat

April's total amount of precipitation was 20 per cent greater than normal.

Off with the winter tires and on with the summer ones

Officially April 30 is the last day you are allowed to be using studded snow tires on B.C. roads.

Fraser Institute releases high school rankings for Greater Trail

Rossland Secondary School, J.L. Crowe ranked 46th and 108th respectively in Fraser Institute's 2012 report.
New storm line for KBRH

New storm line for KBRH

An excavator is seen digging a pathway for a new storm line just below the Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital on Tuesday.
Penalty doubles and the trap pass

Penalty doubles and the trap pass

Play Bridge: Tips and tricks for bridge players new to experienced.