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Fruitvale students study the seasonal shift

Wildsight’s Jennifer Vogel took dozens of Fruitvale Elementary School students out into the woods to see how nature adapts to winter.

Fevers: In most cases they are a good thing

The last article I wrote dealt with certain supplements and herbs that help you get over those colds and flus more effectively.
Spaced out

Spaced out

Kristi Heath floats in “space” in her spaceman suit during a performance of Spaced Out at Fruitvale Elementary School on Tuesday.
Sweet treats

Sweet treats

Allen Bagg added a decorative touch to heart-shaped sugar cookies Wednesday before putting them on display at City Bakery.

Don’t get psyched out by today’s complexities

“I don’t even lift the hood anymore” is a common statement mechanics frequently hear from customers.
Roses are red and ready

Roses are red and ready

Christine Marrandino said Ferraro Foods is getting floral shipments daily in preparation for Valentine’s Day customers Wednesday.
Frisbee fling

Frisbee fling

Courtney Reimer of Rossland tees up on the 12th hole during a round of disk golf in the sun sprayed grounds of Gyro Park on Tuesday.
New forcing minor

New forcing minor

Play Bridge: scenarios, tips and tricks for the popular card game
Free flick at Trail's Royal Theatre

Free flick at Trail's Royal Theatre

Community sponsors come together to bring free movie on Feb. 17
The heart of the matter

The heart of the matter

Russell Olson reveals the secrets of lapidary in a new course offered this month at VISAC in Trail.