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Roses are red and ready

Roses are red and ready

Christine Marrandino said Ferraro Foods is getting floral shipments daily in preparation for Valentine’s Day customers Wednesday.
Frisbee fling

Frisbee fling

Courtney Reimer of Rossland tees up on the 12th hole during a round of disk golf in the sun sprayed grounds of Gyro Park on Tuesday.
New forcing minor

New forcing minor

Play Bridge: scenarios, tips and tricks for the popular card game
Free flick at Trail's Royal Theatre

Free flick at Trail's Royal Theatre

Community sponsors come together to bring free movie on Feb. 17
The heart of the matter

The heart of the matter

Russell Olson reveals the secrets of lapidary in a new course offered this month at VISAC in Trail.
Trail rock hound shares knowledge

Trail rock hound shares knowledge

Lapidarist set to unleash gemstone knowledge nuggets
A touch of colour

A touch of colour

Many Columbia View Lodge residents who participates in a volunteer-run ceramics program at the senior facility Thursday mornings.

Fight back against those colds with effective weapons

It seems after the Christmas holiday with all those late nights, rich foods and probably way more sugar than usual, the flu is back!
Rock Walk

Rock Walk

Rosemary Browne and her seven-year-old bichon cross Skippy Russell traverse the snow encrusted rocks on the shores of the Columbia River.
Fourth suit forcing

Fourth suit forcing

Play Bridge: Tips and tricks for the bridge player, new to experienced.