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Harvest Country Fair

Harvest Country Fair

A perfect day at the park welcomed the United Way’s Harvest Country Fair at Gyro Park on Saturday. From music, to face painting to a variety of crafted treasures were available to help support the community charity. Top left and clockwise (all photos from the left);
Country Harvest Fair on Saturday

Country Harvest Fair on Saturday

Pottery by Fran Moll will be one of the crafty treasures on display at Gyro Park Saturday when United Way hosts its Harvest Country Fair from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. This event welcomes autumn with a farmer’s market, baking and preserves contests, kids games, live music and more.
Year end celebration

Year end celebration

The Trail Italico Recreation Society held its year-end celebration the only way fitting – with good food and a game of bocce. Members and special guests gathered at the West Trail bocce facility on Tuesday for a fun-filled evening.
Serving it right

Serving it right

Geoff Tellier, instructor of the Food Service Worker Program at Selkirk College in Trail, watches as student Patrick Johansen checks the temperature of oven-roasted turkey Tuesday. Those enrolled in the program, which teaches life and employment skills, prepare a meal for purchase Tuesday through Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the classroom located in Greater Trail Community Centre.
Illuminating work

Illuminating work

City of Trail electrician Rob Reilly replaced downtown streetlights Tuesday.
Diving for debris

Diving for debris

Sam Butler of Endless Adventure looks on as a team clears out metal scraps from the Columbia River at the Gyro boat launch Monday. His boss, Chris Ryman, first scoured the waters to find the exact location of the debris with volunteer Andy Lane kayaking nearby the diver and Paul Fridleifson of Mario’s South Country Towing Ltd. pulled the debris to shore. The advanced cleanup was a chance to get a head start on B.C. Rivers Day hosted by the Greater Trail Community Skills Centre Sept. 25.
Smokies and friends join the fun in Terry Fox run

Smokies and friends join the fun in Terry Fox run

The Trail Smoke Eaters, Trail Firefighters and 44th Engineer squadron had lots of help in making the Terry Fox Run another success Sunday, as they pulled for the cancer research cause.
Piazza Day

Piazza Day

Members of the Colombo Lodge welcomed citizens to their second annual Piazza Day at the Piazza Colombo on Rossland Avenue. Plenty of food, music and fun entertained the people throughout the day.

Charity hockey game helps local teen

Smokies host TRU Saturday night
A place for quiet thought

A place for quiet thought

Rossland resident Janet Slater decided to hit the Trail and District Public Library Thursday to kill time and stay out of the dreary weather that brought showers to the city in the afternoon.