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Christmas tree pick up in Trail this Saturday

Ensure the trees are free of decorations, plastics, and any store tags stapled to the branches. 
Store tags, like the purple plastic tags in this photo still attached to the tree, should be removed before pick up.

With the holidays over and decorations tucked away until next year, the task now turns to disposing of the Christmas tree. 

With that in mind, public works, along with students from the J.L. Crowe Secondary School grad class, will be picking up Christmas trees from designated locations in City of Trail neighbourhoods on Saturday, Jan. 18. 

Students will pass through each area only once, so ensure trees are placed at a drop-off locale prior to Jan. 18. 

Trees missed during pickup can be disposed of at the McKelvey Creek landfill, though a tipping fee may apply. 

Ensure the trees are free of decorations, plastics, and any store tags stapled to the branches. 

Neighbourhood tree drop-off locales: 

• Waneta Village Park and the intersection of Theatre Road and Highway 22A; 

• Carnation Drive at the tunnel and outside the public works yard in Glenmerry; 

• Miral Heights Park; 

• Butler Park grandstand; 

• Hillside Drive at the Sunningdale “Y”; 

• Bocce pits on Old Rossland Avenue; 

• Old Trail Bridge west side parking lot; 

• Stoney Creek Road pullout in Tadanac. 

Sheri Regnier

About the Author: Sheri Regnier

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