For Kootenay-Columbia School District 20, school starts on Sept. 3 and with the new year comes a new classroom cell phone policy.
Earlier this this year, the B.C. government announced a new directive restricting the use of personal digital devices such as cell phones, smartwatches, video games, and tablets in schools. School districts were told to have new policies in place for the 2024-2025 school year.
"Research has shown that frequent interruptions from personal digital devices in the classroom (especially social media notification), along with the addictive nature of social media platforms and the rise of cyberbullying, are having a negative impact on the learning environment and well-being of students," explains SD20 in a letter sent out to parents this summer.
Effective Sept. 3, SD20 students will be expected to adhere to the new locally developed minimum restrictions on the use of personal digital devices.
Elementary Schools
The use of personal digital devices is not permitted from the time students arrive on school grounds until students exit the school grounds. This includes field trips and school organized off-site experiences.
Secondary Schools including Kootenay Columbia Learning Centre
The use of personal digital devices is not permitted during instructional time which includes class time, spare blocks, transition time, assemblies, guest speakers and field trips. Personal digital devices can be accessed during non-instructional time before and after school and the lunch break.
Security and Storage
Security and storage of personal digital devices is the sole responsibility of the owner/user. School District 20 will not assume responsibility for the safety, security, loss, repair, or replacement of devices. If secondary students bring a device to school, they are encouraged to ensure they are locked away in lockers.
SD20 says that certain exceptions to the restrictions will apply to some students, under specific circumstances, who have an Individual Education Plan (IEP), Learning Support Plan (LSP), Annual Instructional plan (AIP), or health issue that specifically outlines the need for a personal digital device.
The first time a student is found to be violating the policy, the student will be required to hand in their device to a staff member for the remainder of the school day. The student can collect their device at the end of the day.
If they are found breaking the rules a second time, the student will have to hand over their device again. In addition, at the end of the day the student and administration will contact a parent/guardian/caregiver before the device is released.
If there is a third incident, the administration will contact the parent/guardian/caregiver who will have to pick up the device from the school.