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Rossland auxiliary donates to Poplar Ridge residents

Funds are raised through donations to the Rossland Thrift Store
John Sullivan, KBRH Health Foundation second vice chair (left), gratefully accepts this gift from this dedicated group of volunteers.

The Rossland Health Care Auxiliary has made another wonderful donation of $1,200 to KBRH’s Poplar Ridge Pavilion.

"This thoughtful contribution will ensure our long-term residents are well taken care of, with new care and comfort items to enhance their daily lives," the KBRH Health Foundation shares. "Your support truly makes a difference." 

All year long, the Rossland Health Care Auxiliary spends hour upon hour sorting through box upon box of donations before pricing each goodwill offering, displaying it for sale, then ringing it up at the till. 

All that time and dedication — and subsequent funds raised through sales at the Rossland Thrift Store — go right back into helping local health and wellness based charities.

The Rossland Thrift Store mostly sells small ticket items. 

The majority is clothing priced up to $5, books 50 cents and $1, dishes 50 cents up to $6, and bigger ticket items like ski boots, usually start at around $10. 

Simple math shows there’s an awful lot of work going into retailing the thrift store and ringing of the tills to raise money. 

But auxiliary volunteers do it every week with a smile, starting by sorting donations Monday and Tuesday from 8 a.m. to noon and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. 

The store is open Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., and Wednesday nights from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

“Wednesday is our busiest shopping day,” says Heather Kennedy, auxiliary president. "Between 20 and 25 people line up outside our door for merchandise in the window or good buys throughout the store.” 

The win-win is that bargain shoppers end up with great finds for their homes to the benefit of local health and wellness causes.

But, as Kennedy points out, there’s another bonus to giving bits and pieces a second life. 

“We help to keep stuff from going to the land fill before it’s time,” she explains. “And it has become very trendy to shop in thrift stores. Most of our customers come every week on the same day.”

Interested in volunteering at the thrift store?

Call 250.362.0037 and ask for Heather. 

To donate, call the store after 10:30 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. 

Kennedy adds, "If our sign is green on the back porch feel free to drop off merchandise.” 

The Rossland Health Auxiliary membership stands at 86, and they are always looking for new members. 

About 85 per cent of thrift store proceeds are benevolently given to the KBRH Health Foundation for various campaigns, and the rest goes to other causes such as Rossland Search and Rescue, Greater Trail Hospice, student bursaries in the health-care field, Anti-Stigma campaigns, and more. 

Sheri Regnier

About the Author: Sheri Regnier

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