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Trail Blazers: High school of yore

Trail Blazers is a weekly feature in partnership with the Trail Museum and Archives
One noticeable feature from this historical photo is the barren landscape.

With Crowe students graduating Friday night and summer vacation nearing, Trail Blazers is looking back to days long past at the old high school. 

One feature that may instantly jump out to readers is how barren the landscape is. 

Over the past years, locals have likely gotten used to seeing verdant hillsides as Trail Communities in Bloom volunteers so passionately plant, tend to garden beds, and clean-up desolate city plots. 

More so, this image depicts the stark contrast of how lifeless the valley was before Teck Trail modernized operations starting in the mid-1990’s, mopped-up terrain, and hardworking community groups — often in partnership with the company — rolled up their sleeves to revitalize the land with greenery, with life. 

This photo from the Trail archives shows students filing down the wooden staircase from the former J. Lloyd Crowe Secondary School to a few parents waiting patiently at the bottom. 

“This sight would soon disappear as the highway was completed and the stairs were removed a few years later,” says Sarah Benson-Lord, from the Trail Museum and Archives. 

Furthermore, the Crowe high school these students attended was torn down in 2009 after a newly built school opened on the same grounds earlier that year. 

Sheri Regnier

About the Author: Sheri Regnier

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