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New suit is forcing

Play Bridge: Tips and tricks for the bridge player, new to experienced.
Both vulnerable

The bidding: In first seat, North preempts with two diamonds. First seat preempts can be more agressive than the safe second seat preempts. After all, there is a 66 per cent chance he is preempting one of the opponents and not partner. In second seat, this figure is 50 per cent.

South bids two spades and with three-card support, North would raise to three or four spades. However, he does not have three card support but he has good values for his preempt. He has ten high card points and a good suit. Therefore, instead of returning to diamond, he bids a feature. His feature is clubs and South likes this response and bids three no-trump.

The contract: Three no-trump by South

The opening lead: The jack of hearts

Without question, West should lead a heart. It is a five card suit and the club suit is only four. Not only that, clubs are ace empty. A club lead is likely to resolve the club situation for declarer without setting up extra tricks. Unfortunately, a heart lead is bad here.

The play: Declarer wins the queen of hearts and takes all thirteen tricks because the king of diamonds is onside. Diamonds have to be played carefully because they will be blocked if the jack and ten do not go under the ace and queen. However, the spades serve as an entry. Declarer will pitch all of his clubs and will not lose a trick.

The result: Three no-trump making plus four for +720.

Principle at work: With a minimum, North will only ever tell South one suit, diamonds, however with a maximum, North can happily bid clubs.