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New scoreclock for Trail Memorial Centre

New scoreclock for Trail Memorial Centre

Trail's Cominco Arena gets updated system for hockey games
Radon remediation for SD 20

Radon remediation for SD 20

Radon tests show some SD 20 schools including some in Castlegar have unacceptable levels.
MLA's former staffer charged with theft, fraud

MLA's former staffer charged with theft, fraud

Rob Fleming says he reported 'shocking discovery' to Victoria police, thefts from his MLA office may date back to 2009
Smart meter class action suit fails

Smart meter class action suit fails

Effect from thousands of wireless meters impossible to assess against other radio frequency emission sources
Drug overdose deaths surge 74 per cent so far in 2016

Drug overdose deaths surge 74 per cent so far in 2016

Coroners record 56 deaths in January and 371 for the year's first six months, fentanyl detected in 60 per cent
West Kootenay municipalities look to tighten smoking bylaws

West Kootenay municipalities look to tighten smoking bylaws

Salmo could be next town to ban smoking in outdoor public spaces
Miss BC winners crowned

Miss BC winners crowned

Contestants from around B.C. named at annual event. The pageant has raised $288,000 to date for Cops for Cancer.
BC SPCA hiring animal cruelty investigator for the West Kootenay

BC SPCA hiring animal cruelty investigator for the West Kootenay

Animal abusers beware — SPCA special provincial constable soon to be on scene investigating complaints.
SAR crews respond to Saturday call near Salmo

SAR crews respond to Saturday call near Salmo

After two-hour search, crews learn nobody fell in Erie Creek
Castlegar RCMP arrest distraught, axe-wielding woman

Castlegar RCMP arrest distraught, axe-wielding woman

Castlegar RCMP arrested Natasha Healy in Robson BC, after she damaged a house with an axe.