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Contractor breaks ground on garden at Trail hospital

Contractor breaks ground on garden at Trail hospital

Ground was broken at a soon-to-be memorial garden at Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital in Trail to commemorate Dr. Alex T. Melnychuk.
Crowe grads take flight

Crowe grads take flight

J. L. Crowe Secondary students held their heads high Friday night, as they collected their certificates of graduation.
Trail students pledge to stay out of the sun

Trail students pledge to stay out of the sun

A hot new slogan, "Tanning is Out" is what is on trend, and 120 high school students from Trail pledged to be tan-free this summer.
False alarm in downtown Trail on Friday

False alarm in downtown Trail on Friday

Regional fire rescue responds to a false alarm at the AMEC building in downtown Trail on Friday morning.
Trail artist displays beauty of graffiti

Trail artist displays beauty of graffiti

Ursula Abresch opens her exhibit, Graffiti: Time and Elements" tonight at VISAC at 7pm

Former Trail RCMP Staff Sergeant promoted

A former Trail RCMP detachment Staff Sergeant, Nick Romanchuk, has been promoted to the position of Officer in Charge of the Kelowna RCMP.
Premiers Clark, Redford to meet in Kelowna

Premiers Clark, Redford to meet in Kelowna

Oil on agenda as Alberta, B.C. premiers meet to resume discussions after dispute over resource revenues last year

Accident victim remains in hospital

A 69-year old Trail man remains in hospital following a serious crash between a motorcycle and pick-up truck on the afternoon of June 1.

Trail council lists its top priorities

Trail council is seeking to discuss priorities with residents in a less formal setting than council chambers.

SD20 support workers part of province-wide job action

Custodians will drop their mops for half an hour Thursday, but promise the job action will not disrupt classes.