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An opportunity for reflection

So, a young lady, who worked as a page at the Canadian Senate, has been escorted out the door and forcibly ejected by some old high ranking stiff necked, starch colored pasty faced baby boomer, and even fired from her job ...and for what?

For exercising what she (and apparently she alone) knows is right, is correct and needs to be done.

That, (his termination of the long gun registry program not withstanding), Stephen Harper needs to be stopped say the least.

The arrogance of this latest act out of Ottawa can only be surpassed by another abomination ...that is to say, when Harper hosted the G20 in the heart of the prostitution zone, had the police beat up on innocent civilians.

He assisted in putting together a deal for Canada’s Barrick Mining in Chile where, according to CBC, Barrick would, contrary to the wishes of the people, exploit the peoples resource, namely gold, and devastate the glaciers and the general environment in the process.

The corporations are forming alliances with politicians such as Harper worldwide, and they need to be stopped.

They are robbing the people of the right to own their resources, they are ramping up debt in each country to enslave the people, and they are totally polluting the earth for the benefit of a very few shareholders at the top.

I do not think it can be more simply stated than that.

Perhaps the point would be more succinct if we examined another CANADIAN parallel, ….namely the case of Ashley Smith who was criminalized by one of our, so honorable Canadian Courts of Law, for the serious crime of throwing an apple at a passing postal worker.

For this heinous crime she was placed in solitary confinement in a Canadian Ontario jail and tortured with needles until she hung herself, while the Canadian staff watched under instructions not to intervene until the twitching stopped.

If this sad circumstance is not enough to convince all Canadian deactivated dead heads to abandon their enviro wasting golf cars and their hockey spewing TV tubes long enough to address reality for a short time even, then the only thing worse to shock to the core, would be the illegal activities of their dearly worshiped federal police force, none other than the RCMP.

Len Penner
