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Assisted suicide doesn’t belong in Canada

"Justice Lynn Smith has falsely alleged that medical safeguards will protect vulnerable persons, ignoring evidence to the contrary."

On June 15th, an activist -judge, Lynn Smith, in BC ruled from the bench, usurping the role of parliament by declaring that Canada’s law against assisted suicide in not constitutional.

As I understand it, our Canadian Constitution states that Canada is founded on the Authority of God and the Rule of Law.

Where in God’s Word does He tell us to kill the weak and disabled amongst us?  On the contrary, we are exhorted to stand up for those who are oppressed and to help the weak and feeble minded amongst us, using the healing gifts He gives us.

Justice Lynn Smith has falsely alleged that medical safeguards will protect vulnerable persons, ignoring evidence to the contrary.

The availability of “Legal Assisted Suicide” to the terminally ill in Holland since 1984 shows a slippery slope of laws passed to make it available to more of the population.

Now we see rampant abuse taking place, where 550 children as well as adults annually  are now euthanized without permission or consent.

Is this the kind of Canada we want to Stand on Guard for?

Please learn the facts and urge our government to appeal this decision and to use the  “activist - judge override provision” (Section 33 of the Charter) to overrule the courts if necessary.

Let’s make Canada a safe place for all of us to live where the killing of human beings is   unacceptable.

Catharine KintoffRossland