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Citizens need to create democracy

I write to commend and thank the Trail Times editor for his insightful and bold editorial

I write to commend and thank the Trail Times editor for his insightful and bold editorial (Border Getting Blurry Under Conservatives, Trail Times, Oct. 13).

The United States is a rogue nation, an international bully. Canada, under the Harper regime is becoming its primary sycophant, or as Chairman Mao Tse Tung might state, their running-dog-lackey.

We are no longer a free nation.  We do not live in a Democracy. That was an illusion.

The course of our social, economic, political evolution has be usurped commandeered, taken over by corporations, special interest groups., and a wealthy elite few in collusion with our self-serving, ideologically driven Federal Government. Some are calling this a corporatocracy. Your children, grandchildren and their futures are its victims.

We have sat idly by for far too long and watched a corrupt and increasingly predatory capitalistic economic system starve us for the benefit of the few at the expense of the many. It is time to speak up. It is time to become involved.

It is time to organize and act. It is time to take back control of our collective future. It is time to create a “real Democracy”.

Michael Tadevic
