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Corporations dictating communication access

"Are you concerned at all about our services and the costs related to cell phones and internet use?"

Events in the last year or more have convinced me to make a few comments about how large corporations are slowly but surely taking over our country’s important telecommunication choices.

Are you concerned at all about our services and the costs related to cell phones and internet use?

According to “Canadians pay some of the highest cell phone fees and are forced into some of the worst contracts in the industrialized world.”

Could it be because the three Big Cell Phone companies control almost 95 per cent of the country’s market?

To make matters even worse, Big Telecom Rogers has a plan to block our access to the few more affordable services that do exist by finding ways to obtain the limited wireless assets that smaller independents need. As these large companies gain more and more control we can be rest assured that choices will go down and prices will go up.

If this is what we want, we simply have to continue doing what we do now…nothing.

We must change, however. We must fight for cell phone and Internet affordability. If you have Internet access, visit:

This site provides a letter-writing tool which gives us a powerful way to speak out and wake up our local MPs. You can help. Speak out against price-gouging and the lack of choice for telecommunication services in Canada.

If you are concerned, you can learn more at As well, read OpenMedia’s study about Canada’s dysfunctional cell phone market at

Bob BastianFruitvale