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Letter to the Editor: Trail employee went above and beyond

Nelson resident appreciates thoughtful actions of local Trail employee.

Recently, my 85-year old father was called into Trail hospital for an investigative procedure. Having given up driving two years ago, shortly after his wife passed away, he is dependent on public transportation (his preference), family and/or friends to get from Nelson to Trail.

In spite of my explaining the situation by phone two days’ previously and trying to get him an appointment that would allow him to arrive by bus at the hospital just before 9 a.m. he was called with less than 24 hours’ notice and told that he had a 6:45 a.m. appointment.

The operator gave him a list of hotels in the vicinity of the hospital. Imagine his shock to discover on arrival (by public transport late that afternoon) at the motel that there is no taxi service in Trail before 8 a.m. Surely the booking department in the hospital is aware of this fact!

This is where an employee of a Trail motel came to his rescue. She told him she would pick him up and drive him to hospital at 6:30 a.m. the next morning.

The woman was working until 11 p.m. the night before yet she volunteered to do this to help a stranger in need.

We are very grateful to her.

David Beringer
