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Some choices should be illegal

Local resident responds to an opinion article in the April 12 edition of the Trail Times.

In a recent opinion piece, (“Quotes can be a key to shape thinking,” Trail Times April 12) Lorne Eckersley said quotes shape thinking.

He’s never forgotten a photo depicting, in his words, a stereotypical Jewish man with the caption “Can’t eat pork. Don’t try to make it illegal for everyone.”

Eckersley says this quote should be remembered at any public debate, in particular he discussed the subject of abortion saying it should also be a personal choice.

He then listed four famous, noble, oft memorized quotes and seemed to equate them with his favourite:

“Can’t eat pork. Don’t try to make it illegal for everyone.”

However, his quote sounds hollow if completed more seriously: “Can’t stop abusing his wife. Don’t try to make it illegal for everyone.”

Or  “Can’t live without a personal sex slave. Don’t try to make it illegal for everyone.”

Or  “Can’t go a day without beating her children. Don’t try to make it illegal for everyone.”

Unlike a question of which meat to eat; some choices should be illegal for everyone.

Carol Albo
