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Trail, Warfield forgotten

I would like to comment on the MP Alex Atamanenko’s foray into the local school district’s ongoing planning for the future process (March 11, MP’s Letter To Education Minister Panned By Trail-Area Trustees).

When Mr. Atamanenko was asked to help save the Trail Middle School, he didn’t even have the courtesy to respond. Nor, was the MP heard from when Warfield’s and Trail’s elementary schools are considered for closure.

I guess we’re at the wrong end of the riding for him.

In the recent past, his competitor, federal Conservative candidate Stephen Hill has been quick to chastise Mr. Atamanenko for his shortcomings.

Yet, on this matter, Hill is silent.

Now during the federal election, when these two come calling on Trail and Warfield for financial and voter support, I hope residents will let them know that we will not be taken for granted.

Louis Forte
