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Nav Canada clarifies story

I would like to clarify some misinformation and omissions in the story published Jan. 21, Flight Cancellations Concern City.

Cough up cash to slim waistlines

We’ve come a long way from turn-of-the-century ad campaigns encouraging people to stay thin by smoking and ingesting tapeworms.

Candidates offering little

Soon, both the Liberals and NDP will choose a new leader.Of interest to some, no doubt, but a matter that should concern all of us.
B.C. VIEWS: NDP’s problems go deeper

B.C. VIEWS: NDP’s problems go deeper

Find replacement for FSAs

If you have children in public school, chances are you’ve heard from the school a little more frequently than usual. This is, after all, the time of year when the FSA debate dominates education headlines and creates a flurry of communication from the school to parents about its use and value.

Support smokers to quit

The Canadian Cancer Society B.C. and Yukon is calling on the B.C. government and Liberal leadership candidates to support smokers who wish to quit by providing funding for nicotine replacement therapies (NRT) for those British Columbia smokers trying to quit.

Leadership races both entering important phase

The Liberal and NDP races are both finally under way, but much of the work right now is behind the scenes, as candidates scramble to sign up new party members who will support them.

RCMP officer made a difference

Two weeks ago, I was on my way to a funeral at Mountain View Cemetery when I started having car problems just before getting there. I started pulling off the highway when an RCMP van saw my dilemma and pulled up behind with its lights on.

MP acknowledges error

I would like to thank Alan Wait of Grand Forks (Jan. 3 letter, MP’s Mailout ‘Totally Wrong’) for pointing out an error in a mail-out I sent to constituents which criticized the Harper government for only raising the Old Age Security (OAS) payments “by a measly $1.50 a year.”

Taxpayers bear burden of city’s decisions

The Jan. 10 letter to the editor, Bridge Referendum: Voters Beware. It was the most informative letter I have read in the Times.