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Karate kid prepares for provincials

A young karate initiate is on her way to the provincial championship after winning bronze at the regionals in Kelowna last month.

BCHL Player of the Week: Smokies in running

Two Trail Smoke Eaters came oh so close to taking home Player of the Week honours in the BCHL.

Curling: Maglio’s Beauchamp raises the stakes

Drama was the name of the game in the Kootenay Savings Super League action last week.
Critical weekend for Hawks

Critical weekend for Hawks

The next two games are a big test for the Beaver Valley Nitehawks as they get set to face two of the best teams in the KIJHL this season.
Trail Skating Club gets a lift

Trail Skating Club gets a lift

The Trail Skating Club received a generous boost from the Kootenay Savings Credit Union and the LeRoi Foundation.

BC Intercollegiate hockey: The Saints keep marching on

The Selkirk College Saints are on their way to the Promised Land if the rest of the year is anything like October.

TCHL: Re/Max on top early

Re/Max returned to top spot as they squeaked out a 5-4 win over the Allstars on Sunday.
Canskate: New skaters get new program

Canskate: New skaters get new program

The Trail Skating Club is back on the ice and is offering a new and improved Canskate program for beginner skaters.

Major midget: Ice douses Blazers

The Kootenay Midget Ice notched its first two wins of the BC Major Midget League season over the weekend.

Cherry tweaks McCarver on Twitter

"...Don Cherry has nothing better to do with is idle and oft-vacant brain than create tweets critical of a baseball announcer."