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Using a ‘tell me more’ cuebid

Play Bridge: Tips and tricks for bridge players new to advanced.
East west vulnerable

The bidding: East, with 18 points, opens one diamond with the intention of jumping in notrump after partner’s response. He would never open one notrump with 18 points. If he does open one notrump, he is not sticking to his bidding system. Partner will pass with seven points, which opposite 18 points, is enough for game.

He opens his higher ranking minor and South overcalls one spade.

This is what happened in last week’s column as well. The difference here is that, last week, North had a simple raise.

What happens when North has more than a simple raise? With ten or more points, he must cuebid asking his partner if he overcalled with less than opening. South’s rebid of two spades shows an overcall that was made with less than an opening bid.

North has an opener that accepts a limit raise and could show this by raising to three spades.

With a good ten points, South is expected to place the contract in game. However, South has the minimum overcall and would still pass.

However, his queen of diamonds and king of clubs are five points that are likely not working because of the strength to North’s left. He therefore passes two spades.

The Lead: The two of diamonds. West has only one chance to lead, the opening lead. Proper defense needs West to lead a club and a diamond. He cannot do both, so he picks partner’s bid suit. He leads a small diamond. With three or more cards in partner’s suit, one leads a small card, reserving a high card for a doubleton.

Only if support was shown, can somebody lead top of nothing in partner’s suit. Partner, because of the bidding, will know a high card cannot be a doubleton. This is not the case when support was not shown during the bidding.

The play: East cashes three diamonds and exits the Queen of hearts. West gives a high signal of the seven because he has the ten of hearts. He could play the ten of hearts guaranteeing the nine or showing a singleton or doubleton ten.

Declarer wins the ace of hearts, draws two rounds of trump and then eliminates hearts by playing the king and ruffing a heart.

He now plays a club to the ten, and East is endplayed. East must continue clubs or give declarer a sluff and a ruff. Declarer loses two clubs and three diamonds, making his contract.

Result: Two spades making for +110.

Do You Have The Basics? This is a new feature. I will have one question a week for several weeks testing your basic knowledge of bridge. Send your answer to and I will publish the winner’s name at the end of the questions.

Question 1 Partner leads a small club, the dummy has three small clubs and you have KQJ106 of clubs. Which one do you play? (answer next week)


-All the bridge columns may be viewed at The index tab is a bridge reference for all to use.

-The Kootenay Jewel Bridge Club is now every Monday at the KP Hall above Shopper’s Drug Mart in Trail. Go up the stairs by the Artisan Shop. Lesson start at 11:30am  and game starts at noon.