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25 years of Nite Trek for West Kootenay Scouts, Guides

Annual adventure hike is hosted by the 107th Baden Powell Guild
(Submitted photo)

On May 4-5, Scouts and Guides from around the West Kootenay joined forces to participate in the annual Nite Trek adventure hike, hosted by the 107th Baden Powell Guild.

This is the 25th anniversary of this event here in the West Kootenay and has seen many youth over the years participate.

This year the theme was “Back to the Future-Celebrating 25yrs.”

Opening ceremonies took place at 3 p.m. followed by planning meetings for the different tasks, then the groups went to their sites and started on their evening meal. After dinner everyone was treated to an anniversary cake to celebrate. The youth then had some free time to get prepared for their hike.

At 8:30 p.m., teams of four youth were sent out on the trail, every 20 minutes, to tackle the challenges awaiting them. They had to work as a team to accomplish the activities as they made their way along the trails.

They were scored on team work, accomplishing the task, Scout/Guide spirit and over all skill.

Challenges they faced were fun including breaking plates (this seemed to be the all-time winning activity according to the youth and most leaders), an obstacle course in the woods on a hover board (skate board), the atomic bomb diffusion, cargo nets, crate stack climbing and a slack line course.

All of this done in the treed trails of Camp Tweedsmuir with only a headlamp for each participant, they all survived.

The youth ranged in age from 9 to 17 and with their leaders manning stations and doing security patrols along the trail, all had a great time. Everyone was back in camp by 1:30 a.m to try and get some sleep before morning light.

Once breakfast was over the packing began and then closing ceremonies took place. Prizes were awarded to the top four teams and big thank yous to the leaders from all the youth.

The 107th Baden Powell Guild was once again successful in putting this event on. We could not do it without the support of the leadership teams from all the units and the financial support from Teck and Columbia Power, who helped provide prizes, the cake and with putting the registration cost back in time.

We are all geared up and ready to start planning for next year’s adventure.

For information on the 107th BP Guild or Scouting in general, please contact Heather Hamer at or your local Scout Group Commissioner.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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