When RHO doubles partner, redouble is 10+, new suits at the two-level are playable with less than 10 points and jumps are weak. Normally, one spade followed by a double and a bid of three spades is a limit raise. Bidders now recognize the importance of weak bids to foil the opponent’s bidding. This jump is best to show four-card support and five or less points with hopefully a singleton somewhere.
The bidding: West opens the bidding with one spade having 11 points and a two-suited hand. A light opening with a six card suit is quite acceptable and with a two-suiter is even more acceptable. The bidding is very competitive, meaning everybody is actively bidding, when someone opens light.
Rule of 20: When the number of the length of your two longest suits (at least four cards) plus your high card points is 20 or more, open your two suited hand. I do not like this rule.
A Better Rule of 20: When the number of the length of your two longest suits (at least four cards) plus your high card points in those two suits is 20 or more, open your two-suited hand. You also should have two defensive tricks. There is no crime in passing and coming in later when your hand is not right. Deals with distributional hands rarely pass out. It is also a guideline not a rule. I like this guideline.
North doubles with 12 points and a singleton spade. His 1-4-4-4 hand is referred to as a Roman hand. East with four-card support and a weak hand jumps to three spades. If East had six to nine points, he would bid two spades which still has some pre-emptive value in taking away the two-level from the opponents. Three spades may force the opponents to game, but if the bid is weak enough, the opponents are getting there regardless. The jump just makes it harder for them to find the right contract or to investigate slam.
South bids four hearts, and West competes with four spades. North passes showing a void or singleton spade. This takes care of his worthless spade doubleton, so South asks for keycards. North replies two keycards without the queen. South knows North has one little spade because he did not reply five notrump meaning two keycards and a void. South places the contract in six hearts.
The contract: Six hearts by South
The opening lead: The ace of spades
The play: Declarer ruffs the spade continuation, draws trump and claims stating that a club goes on a diamond.
The result: Six hearts by South making six for +1430
Notes: Do you have a question or a hand of note that occurred at your bridge table? If yes, send it to me at warren.t.watson@gmail.com and I will answer it.
-Duplicate Bridge is currently underway Mondays at Noon at the Warfield Hall. Lesson starts at 11:30 am. Furthermore, call 250-368-3527 for supervised bridge every Tuesday at 7:00 pm.
-Beginner bridge columns will start after I have reached the end of the convention card topics. Email me at warren.t.watson@gmail.com or the pamphlet to accompany these columns.