The fifth annual family movie night in Haley Park earned over 1,600 pounds of food for the Salvation Army Food Bank in Trail and $210 in cash donations—the most food ever collected at a movie night.
Despite a drop of roughly 300 people, the Kootenay Savings family movie night on Sept. 7 was a huge success.
Since the first movie night in Trail during 2008 the events gained popularity each year, and last year officials recorded roughly 4,000 people attending the fundraiser across all three participating communities—Trail, Kimberley and Nakusp.
This year nearly 3,500 people of all ages attended the annual event in communities like Kimberley, Trail and Nakusp.
“Each year the sight of all the people flowing into the parks with bags of food to donate never gets old,” said Aron Burke, community relations coordinator for Kootenay Savings. “It really is heart-warming to see how caring people are, and how appreciative the food banks are in return.”
The Nakusp Food Bank raised 300 pounds of food and $420 in cash for the Protecting Animal Life Society. In Kimberley, the Helping Hands Food Bank raised $2,500 worth of food and $160 in cash donations.
For more information about the event, visit or, or call Burke directly at 250-368-2683.