Finding venues, competition times, events, medical clinics, community centres and other things will be a whole lot easier for athletes and spectators of the upcoming BC Seniors Games.
That’s because summer student Emily Marino has designed a mini “how-and-where-to” pullout that will be placed at all accommodations in the three hosting cities and sports venues.
“There’s three maps, one for each city, that have the sports happening in that town as well as where they’re located with little dots,” she explained.
“As well, there are little flyers that go along with that.
“So for say, track and field, you can see where it is on the big map and then the flyer tells you how to get there, what the schedule is and a little map.”
Marino began working on the project at the end of May and the finished project looks quite different than the original idea.
“I was looking at it like, okay, how can we help our accommodators?
You’ve got one desk clerk and your hotel is full of people all participating and asking, ‘where’s this, where’s that’ — for those people it’s hard enough just trying to run the desk nevermind answering everybody’s questions,” said Maggie Stayanovich, executive director of the Trail and District Chamber of Commerce.
“We started off with a bigger map (of the cities) that was all glued together and had sticky notes on it,” Marino said with a laugh.
“Once we realized how many of these we’d have to make we realized there was no way we could do that, it would take too much time.”
So they decided to make the maps on computers, making it easier to be printed and produced, constantly adding to the project.
And once BC Seniors Games staff heard about it, they wanted in too. The pullouts will also be included in the Games programs, which Marino wasn’t expecting.
Putting this together has been pretty time consuming, but it’s been more fun than anything, she said.
“I really like putting things together and seeing how they look, laying things out so that was actually more fun than work.”
Each city map shows the location of different venues in the town and the sport specific flyers will have additional information, including driving instructions to the venue, competition times and more. Besides going to the host cities and in the Games programs, the pullouts and flyers will also be available at locations in Salmo and Rossland.