The winning gardens of Trail’s 2012 Garden Contest will be recognized with prizes at the Awards Night, July 24, starting at 7 p.m. at the Columbo Piazza.
The Trail Garden Tour is on July 28, 9-4 p.m. Tour maps (by donation) will be available at Ferraro’s July 25-27.
The Teck Mad Hatter’s Tea (it’s actually a lunch) also takes place on July 28 from noon to 2 p.m. at Teck’s Guest House in Tadanac. Tickets are $10 and will be available at Ferraro’s.
People are encouraged to wear a hat to the tea—any hat, as it is, after all, a tea. And there will be a rose, grown by Trail gardeners, for every attendee, ladies or gentlemen, wearing a hat.