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• The 32nd Joe Hill Coffeehouse is all set to go this Sunday at 7 p.m. at the historic Miner’s Hall in Rossland. The line up this month includes local Rossland favourites Dan Charron, Doug Halladay and Chuck Cram, Brian Kalbfleisch, and Renee Salsiccioli’s Kootenay Dance Works dancers, as well as Trail’s own Newton Szabo and Stew Ford, Salmo’s Kyla Hanna and Castlegar’s Shannon Moldenhauer and Melissa McCready. The Rossland Glee Club will make a special appearance performing some of their beautiful world music songs. For more info contact terrymarshall@telus.net or ph. 362 5632.
• The fifth annual J. L. Crowe Variety Show hits the stage tonight at the Charles Bailey Theatre. Crowe students and staff, along with some special guests, showoff their musical and comedic talents in this annual fundraiser. Tickets $12 showtime 7 p.m.
• Rossland Light Opera is proud to present their 60th annual musical production of Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice.” Playing at the Brilliant Cultural Centre in Castlegar Friday at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday at 2:30 p.m. and at Trail’s Charles Bailey Theatre Feb. 24 and 25 at 7:30 p.m. and Feb. 26 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets $17 adults and $12 Children available at the Charles Bailey box office, call 368-9669.
• Sunday Cinema presents “Edwin Boyd: Citizen Gangster.”
The story of notorious Canadian bank robber Edwin Boyd, a war veteran, who unable to provide for his family turns to a life of crime. 4:30 p.m. Royal Theatre, $9 admission.
•The Rossland Historical Museum presents a double feature at the Miner’s Hall on Feb. 25. The first presentation is “Tracing the Columbia,” a spectacular documentary filmed during the 2011 David Thompson Brigade, retracing the explorer’s route from Golden to the Pacific Ocean at Astoria, Ore. After a break for refreshments, “Shadows of David Thompson” will be shown, a fascinating review of the life of this amazing Canadian explorer. Admission $10.00 at the door.
•The VISAC Gallery is proud to present “My Inner Child” by quirky fibre artist Kim O’Brien. Based in Nelson, O’Brien is becoming well known for her imaginative and fantastical felt wool creations and VISAC is excited to host her first solo exhibition in Trail. For more information, call 364-0234.
• The West Kootenay Ostomy Support Group will meet at the Kiro Wellness Center, 1500 Columbia Avenue, Trail Monday at 2 p.m. Guest speaker is Amy Shields, Registered Acupressurist. For further info, please call 368-9827 or 365-6276.
• Trail/Castlegar Parkinsons Support Group will be meeting on Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. at the Colander. New members welcome. FMI phone 368-5179.
• The annual Memorial Vigil for Health Services Lost will be held outside the Trail hospital. Concerned people will gather for an hour or two Monday between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
•Last call to get tickets for the West Kootenay Naturalists Society banquet at the Trail Senior Centre, Feb. 24 at 6 p.m. with guest Michael McMann speaking on Raptors. Ticket deadline is today, $18. Call Jane at 368-6949 or Pat at 362-5795.
• Duck’s Unlimited is holding their 25th Annual Fundraising Dinner and Auction on Saturday at the Riverbelle in Trail. Tickets are $40 and must be purchased in advance. Call Rob at 367-7072 for more info or buy online at www.ducks.ca.
• The West Kootenay Kennel Club is hosting a Canine Good Neighbour Trial on Sunday at the Castlegar Community Complex from 2 – 4 p.m. The Trial will also be at the Waneta Plaza on Feb. 25 from 10-3 p.m. providing educational information and demonstrations with our dogs on location.
• The Trail Wildlife Association will be at the Waneta Mall Monday to Saturday with an information booth and rousting up new members for the Wildlife Association and West Kootenay Big Game Club.
• St. Michaels school is hosting its Gala Event and fundraiser with dinner catered by the River Belle, music, dancing, silent auction, a 50/50 draw and more. Dinner is served Feb. 25 at 7 p.m., cocktails at 6 p.m. Tickets $40 available at the Doorway, KBRH, St. Michaels, or OLPH Church.
• The Trail Wildlife Association is holding their Annual General Meeting Feb. 26 at the Local 480 Hall with guest speaker Lawrence Redfern speaking on caribou. For more info call Terry at 364-1838.
• The Royal Theatre’s Oscar Gala Weekend will be hitting the big screen Feb. 24-26. Presenting four Oscar nominated movies, plus the Oscars Live, walk the red carpet and enjoy a licensed and lightly catered event on Sunday. Wear your best Oscar attire and strut your stuff while mingling with friends. Your Sunday ticket includes one drink ticket and food. Single movies tickets, Sunday only or a Full Gala pass can be purchased in advance or at the door. Tickets available at the Royal Theatre or Charles Bailey box offices. Call 368-9669 for more details.
• Friends of the Rossland Range present the Backcountry Film Festival at the Rossland Miner’s Hall, Feb 26 at 7 p.m. All ages welcome. Tickets at Butch Boutry Ski Shop $5 adults, under 12 free.
• If your child is in K to grade 10, lacrosse registrations are now available to be picked up at Castlegar Complex, Nelson Complex and Gerick’s Sports in Trail for the 2012 season. All registrations due by Feb. 29, returning players will have a $50 fee applied to late registration. Call Tina at 304-8597, or email WKMLA@hotmail.com for more information.
To submit items for Grapevine email them to sports@trailtimes.ca Submission deadline is Wednesday morning.