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Letter: ‘The old town ain’t the same’

From Joe Thompson

I had to make fast trip to Trail on Thursday, May 16, and was extremely disappointed in some of my observations.

First thing was to stop at the cemetery to visit my dad’s grave and grandparents etc., and was utterly appalled at the condition of some of these grave sites!

Several graves have collapsed and headstones have sank deeply into the ground and appear to have been this way for sometime.

I am thankful that my dad’s, and the Haywood family graves, remain fairly intact.

But I can’t help but feel for the surviving family member of those whose graves are in such poor condition.

People visiting family graves should not be greeted by such devastation, and basically having to grieve over again!

The city has to do a better job.

They always have in the past so we all know it can be done.

Second thing I witnessed was the open and rampant drug use in the downtown core in the 1400 block alley way between Bay and Cedar Avenue.

There were at least 25 to 30 drug users visibly injecting this garbage into themselves in broad daylight at about 3:30 Thursday afternoon.

There were also a number of obviously already in a poor state lying in and about the alley itself.

Having spent the first 30 years of my life growing up in Trail, it is extremely distressing to see both these issues.

While both things aren’t quick and easy to fix, there does need to be appropriate action now.

This isn’t the Trail that myself and others in my age group grew up in.

In short, “The old town ain’t the same.”

Joe Thompson,

Red Deer