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Pride Trail holding event June 18

Letter from Pride Trail BC
Follow Pride Trail on Instagram @pridetrail. Image: Pride Trail BC

Dear editor,

I am writing on behalf of Pride Trail BC in regards to city council support, community achievements and moving forward.

We would first like to draw attention to the fact that Councillor Paul Butler is one of our biggest and most passionate supporters.

Since his first introductions into what Pride events happen in our community, he has been there behind the scenes helping us in any way he can.

He sits on numerous boards of various organizations, and brings that professional knowledge to us to ensure we succeed.

Overall, he is extremely professional and passionate.

We are of the opinion that he is exceptional as a councillor for this city.

You need only look to find his presence at every city event with his young family, or working behind the scenes to make events possible.

This, albeit small, organization may not even exist without his continuing support.

Thank you, Paul.

We would also like to thank the mayor and councillors of Trail for their support of this and other Pride organizations in our area.

The awareness and dedication to diversity and LGBTQ2+ issues is something that council and staff in our city strive to commit to.

Most of council champions Pride Trail and almost all of them can be seen at Pride every August.

The community of Trail also has made leaps and bounds these past four years in making our city a more inclusive and fair place.

Special thank you to the BC Nurses Union, Kootenay West Distilling, Trail Youth Action Network, Trail Firefighters Local 941, Trail and District Public Library, Sarah Benson-Lord at the Trail Museum and Archives, Trail RCMP, Freedom Quest and many more that have been with us since the beginning.

Happy Pride month, Trail.

We will see you August 13 at Pride, and at Kootenay West Distillery on June 18.


Pride Trail BC