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The precious gift of sight

Letter to the Editor from Rubenoff Johnson of Nelson
“We are so blessed to have the talents of Dr. Schippers and his support staff,” writes Mr. Johnson.

Last spring, in 2018 I had my eye exam at Selkirk Eye Care and was told the cataracts were ready to be removed, and visit Dr Schippers in Trail.

I paid for the lenses and waited for the Kootenay Lake District Hospital to call, as they have purchased a $ 100,000 special machine to expedite cataract removal.

On Jan. 30 and Feb. 6, 2019 one eye was done on each date, the procedure is painless and clear eye sight is restored.

We are so blessed to have the talents of Dr. Schippers and his support staff. The scheduled system works like clockwork. It was a pleasure to see people filing through the system and to see the smiles on people’s faces when the last eye is completed and the colours and printing on signs, calendars etc. are restored to bright easy to see and read material.

Thanks to the Interior Health Authority, Kootenay Lake Hospital foundation, and the support staff that assists Dr Schippers who is angel amongst us restoring a person’s sight is one of the best gifts that anyone could receive.

Rubenoff Johnson
