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There are many alternatives to deal with dandelions other than poison

Letter from Trisha Rasku of Rossland
There are many natural ways to deal with dandelions, writes Trisha Rasku. Photo: Unsplash

I was very concerned about the plight of the bees.

(Re: “Stop using toxic chemicals … implores Trail beekeeping family,” Trail Times, April 6)

Read story here: Bees

It is very disheartening to lose a “crop.”

I have been very careful to not use any poisons while gardening.

I used to dig out dandelions.

But several years ago, I decided to use the dandelions and infused the blossoms in oil to make soap, and made salads from the leaves.

The problem I now have is a lack of the dandelions.

There are many ways to use alternatives to poisons.

Patricia Rasku
