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Not a two-club opening

South has a three-loser hand but not near enough quick tricks to open two clubs.
None vulnerable

The bidding:

South has a three-loser hand but not near enough quick tricks to open two clubs. Therefore, he opens one spade with the intention of rebidding four spades even if partner never bids.

East keeps the bidding open and sees the auction pass out at four spades. He could have passed the auction out at one spade, but partner could easily have had points and not been able to bid over one spade.

This deal is similar to one played on-line where it was played 75 times. It was opened one spade 37 times, two clubs 22 times and four spades 10 times. Sixty times the final contract was four spades. Only five times was it played in one spade.

The contract: Four spades by South

The opening lead: The king of hearts

The play: South wins the opening lead and plays the ace of spades and then the queen. He gets back in by ruffing a heart and draws trump. He loses one spade, two diamonds and a heart for down one. The defense can even exit with the ace of clubs safely because declarer has no entry to dummy. However, East has enough safe heart exit cards.

On-line, 21 partnerships went down in four spades and 39 made it.

The result: Four spades down one for -50

Note: With the correct shape and a good eight or nine points, East should keep the bidding open. Partner may pass because he can’t double or overcall.