Did the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary referendum - regarding disposition of certain sewer assets - pass or fail?
In short, yes it did pass.
Preliminary results show the referendum passed in all three municipalities, those being Rossland, Warfield and Trail. Official results will be posted Monday.
Electors in all three towns were asked the same two questions:
• Do you assent to the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary disposing of those portions of the sewer service infrastructure that are located within the City of Trail to the City of Trail?
• Do you assent to the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary disposing of those portions of the sewer service infrastructure that are located within the City of Rossland and that portion of the sewer service infrastructure located between the boundary of the City of Rossland and the boundary of the Village of Warfield, to the City of Rossland?
Here’s the preliminary results:
Trail question ———- 1,702 yes ——- 381 no
Rossland question — 1,602 yes ———375 no
Trail question———— 470 yes ————142 no
Rossland question—— 435 yes———— 175 no
Trail question————— 950 yes————216 no
Rossland question——— 925 yes———— 238 no
TOTAL FOR TRAIL: ————3,122 yes 739 no
TOTAL FOR ROSSLAND: —2,962 yes 788 no
Story here: What the RDKB referendum means to Trail, Rossland and Warfield