Search and Rescue personnel along with a helicopter recovered the body of an 88-year-old West Kootenay man at Beaver Falls on Sunday
Saturday night, the Trail RCMP detachment received a call about a body at Beaver Falls after a group of hikers saw what they believed to be a body in the water.
Corporal Kelly Hall with the Trail RCMP says the rescue began as soon as possible the next morning.
“The South Columbia Search and Rescue (SAR) team, with the assistance of a Helicopter Long Line Extraction Team, recovered the body of an 88-year-old West Kootenay man,” said an RCMP press release sent out on Tuesday.
The release stated the death was not considered to be suspicious, and Cpl. Hall says there are no more details to be released until the regional coroner is finished their work.
“The coroner will be doing their traditional release in which they usually release a name and that kind of thing,” she said.
“I apologize for the absence of detail but that’s out of respect of the family.”
It’s the job of the coroner’s office to determine cause of death and manner of death, whether it is homicide, accidental, natural, suicide or undetermined. The time between death and the release of the report depends on the coroner’s findings and the depth of investigation.
In conjunction with the South Columbia Search and Rescue team and the B.C. coroner, RCMP General Investigations, Police Dog Services and Forensic Identification Services were present at the scene.