For anyone wondering about the orange-coloured helicopters hovering above the west side of Trail on Monday, the city has provided an answer.
“FortisBC is planning to replace three transmission structures using helicopters above West Trail within existing right-of-way,” the city advises. “In preparation of the work up the hillside, there will be construction on the Elder Trail in the coming few weeks.
“Temporary barricades will also be set up on Wilmes Lane to protect the area of falling rocks and provide access to the lower sites.l
The city says the work will not affect power transmission in the area.
Road closures are expected to be in effect on Wilmes Lane beginning Wednesday, Dec. 1 at 11 a.m., and Dec. 2 for the day while work is completed.
There will be some disruption to traffic during the setting up of barricades on Wilmes Lane. There will be an increase in traffic prior to construction as workers and heavy equipment will need to be moved into place in preparation of the replacement work. FortisBC will ensure compliance with the applicable municipal or highways bylaws throughout construction. Boulevards and pavement impacted during construction will be restored in a timely manner.
Construction will also rely on helicopters and there may be some noise during the short duration of time when helicopters are in the area. Aircrafts will not hover over any of the residential buildings in the area. The project will comply with all local Bylaws and BC Noise Control Best Practices Guidelines.
Public safety is a top priority and all operations associated with the proposed project will be designed to meet or exceed provincial and federal safety guidelines.
For more information regarding this project call FortisBC at 1.866.436.7847.
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