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Interior Health seeks more responses to SPEAK survey

Survey takes around 20 minutes to fill out
The survey is now open until July 31. Image:

The SPEAK survey — described as B.C.’s largest population health survey — has been extended and will remain open until July 31 to help boost participation.

People living in Interior Health can have a say in shaping the health programs and services in their region by participating in the Survey on Population Experiences, Action, and Knowledge (SPEAK) survey and sharing their experiences over the past few years.

“The SPEAK survey is an important opportunity for people living in our region to have their voice heard around issues such as their social, economic, physical and mental health,” explains Dr. Martin Lavoie, the health authority’s interim Chief Medical Health Officer. “It’s particularly important that we hear more from people with unique needs who are usually under-represented, such as racialized populations, people from rural and remote communities, seniors, and those with children.”

The survey launched in April, in partnership with the BC Centre for Disease Control and health authorities across the province. Over 85,000 people have responded to date, though the agencies are hoping to hear from 120,000 people of all backgrounds and from all over the province, particularly from underrepresented groups.

The survey asks how people living in B.C. are doing when it comes to their social, economic, physical health, mental health, and overall well-being.

The agencies say this type of population health assessment helps inform public health interventions, practices, and policies.

“Previous survey findings have informed policy and programming priorities, including the reopening plans and safe return to school for kindergarten to grade 12, to target vaccine interventions in areas with low uptake and initiatives aimed at improving mental wellness in children and youth,” according to the July 7 release.

The survey takes around 20 minutes to fill out and can be accessed at: (enter “speak survey” in search bar).

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