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Teck Trail applies to add more Crown land near river

Teck already has an existing licence of occupation below Trail operations

The public has until June 7 to submit comments to the Ministry of Forests, Kootenay Boundary region, regarding Teck Metal’s application for an amendment to add land to its licence of occupation for industrial use on Crown land located along the Columbia River.

Teck already has an existing licence of occupation with the province for the area along the Columbia River below Trail operations.

“This application is for a small expansion to the north to include all of our existing infrastructure in the area,” Jayne Garry, Teck spokesperson, told the Trail Times. “Approval of the application would not lead to any changes along the river.”

The current application is for a small expansion (0.33 hectares) immediately north of Stoney Creek where Teck currently has existing infrastructure (see map, small triangle outlined in red)

Location of existing licence of occupation

The site (7.37 hectare) is located on the west bank of the Columbia River and extends from Stoney Creek at the north end to just upstream of the Victoria Street Bridge. Tadanac is located at the northwest end of the site and east, across the river, are Sunningdale and East Trail.

The site is across from Gyro Park and the Gyro Park boat launch eddy. The Crown land tenure application is being submitted to allow existing uses of the site to continue, as well as allow for potential future expansion of industrial uses by Teck.

Existing infrastructure

Existing and historical facilities and/or infrastructure that are owned and operated by Teck on the land include: an existing road that is maintained and ploughed throughout the winter in order to maintain access year-round; two active outfalls where treated wastewater is discharged into the Columbia River; an outfall and pumphouse located in the expanded area; and several monitoring wells.

To submit a comment, read the management plan and site details, visit: and type in “4405181,” the lands file number.

Written comments about this application should be directed to the Ministry of Forests at 1902 Theatre Road, Cranbrook.

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Sheri Regnier

About the Author: Sheri Regnier

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