The city is considering moving a back alley pursuit to the street front for the winter after a Sunningdale resident petitioned them to do so.
Robyn Kendrick has asked that council consider switching from back alley garbage pickup to curbside. In speaking with a representative from Alpine Disposal—who the city contracts for the service—Kendrick found the company would prefer to not have to drive in the alleyways during the winter months.
“The garbage truck is unable to make the turns in the east and west alleys and therefore has to reverse to get out of the alleyway,” she said in her appearance before council.
She also noted that seniors and people with disabilities have a difficult time getting their garbage into the alleys.
When the alleys were plowed it prevented people from being able to open their gates, with some people having to throw their garbage over their fence, or have to climb over a snow pile.
Through a signed petition, Kendrick found that support for curbside garbage pickup for January to March was overwhelming, garnering 48 names.
“I see it as a solution,” said councillor Robert Cacchioni. “It’s a proposal, but it serves the needs of everybody in that community and really is not going to cause any difficulty at all.”
City corporate administrator Michelle McIsaac said it was important for council to realize there were 121 properties in lower Sunningdale that would get rear lane collection.
“We haven’t heard from all of the Sunningdale residents that would potentially be impacted by the change, but this is a good start” she said.
Council turned the matter over to city staff to assemble a report on whether the change could be accommodated, and if there would be additional costs.