The afternoon of Friday, April 12, a Trail RCMP officer was on routine patrol when he detained a Krestova man, 45, driving a vehicle on St. Paul Street, in Rossland.
The officer allegedly observed that the vehicle’s taillight was defective before stopping the driver.
A brief investigation revealed that the man is prohibited from driving.
The driver was arrested and released with a notice to appearance in the Rossland courthouse in June.
His vehicle is impounded for up to seven days.
Trail RCMP are forwarding a report to Crown counsel recommending one count of driving while prohibited.
Trail fail
The afternoon of Friday, April 12, an officer was on routine patrol in downtown Trail when she detained a Trail man, 61, and his vehicle on Pine Avenue.
Two weeks prior, the officer had issued a notice to the man to repair defects on the vehicle.
During this second stop, police report that the man was rude and belligerent.
Furthermore, police say the man produced the issued inspection notice for the vehicle which stated “failed.”
The officer issued the man a $598 fine for failing to comply with an order, and his vehicle is in impound.
Rossland crash
The night of Friday, April 12, an officer received a report about a motor vehicle incident that occurred on Highway 22A, near Rossland.
A 19-year-old Fruitvale man and a 20-year-old Trail man were in the vehicle when it rolled over and into the ditch.
The officer suspected that speed and impairment were factors in the cause of the crash.
Neither person was wearing a seat belt, according to police.
The younger man was transported by ambulance to the Trail hospital for medical assessment. Police report the 20-year-old man as uninjured.
The crash remains under investigation.
Prohibited driver
The afternoon of Saturday, April 13, a frontline RCMP officer was on routine patrol along Highway 3B when he detained a driver, a 31-year old Trail man, and his passenger, roadside.
The officer conducted a computer query on the licence plate and noted that the registered owner possessed a BC Driver’s Learners Class 7 licence.
The officer noted that no “L” sticker was visible on the vehicle, and he discovered that the man was driving while prohibited.
The officer arrested the man and released him with a notice to appear in the Rossland courthouse. The vehicle is in impound for seven days.
Trail RCMP are recommending one count of driving while prohibited.
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