A Warfield woman fears a “dangerous” neighbourhood dog and has asked village council to keep a tight leash on enforcement after her friend’s pet was attacked late last month.
After receiving a complaint from Frances Noone, Warfield had a letter hand delivered that quoted its dangerous dog section of its bylaw that requires dogs to be confined at all times.
Noone, walking partner Mary Hamilton and her Chesapeake Bay retriever “Colleen” were traveling along Whitman Way on Nov. 27 when a Rottweiler came running up and bit Colleen in the rear end.
“The Rottweiler then stopped attacking Colleen and turned to face me in a menacing manner from about two feet away,” recalled Noone in a letter to the village. “I was afraid for my personal safety and was afraid to speak or move for fear of being attacked.”
The letter went on to say the owner then interjected and explained her pet doesn’t like labs, which is not a valid excuse in Noone’s mind.
“What if one of the many families with labs was walking by with small children and (the dog) injured a child while attacking a lab?” she asked, pointing to the location along Emerald Loop as a popular place to walk. “I am now afraid to walk by this address.”
Warfield employs a commissioner to circulate the community keeping a look out for specific enforcement, including animal control. The community doesn’t have a contract with the SPCA, which handles joint control between Trail, the Regional District of Kootenay Boundary, Montrose and Fruitvale as well as a housing contract for Rossland.
“Right now the SPCA isn’t really looking into getting any more animal control contracts, they’re actually trying to phase out of the contracts eventually, except for the shelters that need the extra funding,” said Trail branch manager Danielle Jackman. “That’s one of the main reasons we don’t have a contract with Warfield.”
Village administrator Vince Morelli said should the owner not comply with the bylaw, the village would have to take legal action.